Golf Handicap

A golf handicap is a simple way of allowing golfers to compete on equal terms. A handicap is assigned to a golfer based by a club or association. Generally, the higher the handicap, the worse the golfer. 

The handicap shows potential or consistency. As a golfer has a lower average score, the handicap decreases. 

Using a Handicap

A simple explanation of a handicap the number of strokes a golfer may subtract from their gross score. For example, if the golfer shoots an 80 on a par 72 course and their handicap is 8, they count their score as a 72 when comparing to other competitors.

A more expanded explanation can be found here.

Calculating a Handicap

A formula is used to assign a handicap. The formula takes into account course rating, course slope, and score averages. Here is the first formula:


(Score - Course Rating) x 113 / Slope Rating with 113 representing the slope rating of a golf course of average difficulty, as set by the USGA.

Here is a free handicap calculator.

Detailed explanation of calculation.

USGA official formula.



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